
The first of three field seasons supported by NEH funding took place during the month of June 1995. As the project in its present collaborative and interdisciplinary form would not exist without the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, my collaborators and I acknowledge both the importance of NEH support for American scholarly research in the humanities in general and our enormous appreciation to the Endowment for its confidence, encouragement, and financial contribution in this specific case.

Additional funding for the 1995 season was provided by the University of Virginia; WSA Architecture and Development, Charlottesville, VA; and Gilbert and Judy Shelton. The University's contribution consisted of a Summer Research Grant that covered my expenses as project director. The support and interest of the University of Virginia is vital to this project's success. We are grateful for both. Moreover, the continued participation in the project by the Institute for Advance Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia is equally vital. The ability to present this report on the World Wide Web is merely one example of the integral role played by the Institute in the Pompeii Forum Project.

John J. Dobbins
Director, Pompeii Forum Project
McIntire Department of Art
Fayerweather Hall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903